If the serial drama of a certain morning slurps the meat juices udon of jimoto Beautiful Girl, Nanase of deep blue Hanno and the Hanno noted product, sip the viscous liquid which just overflowed from pukkuri and the pubic region which did it to external genital lips in a porch of the Hotel. Totally Naked stands in a porch finally, and go back while looking down at the shopping center to go well. The Binkan constitution that the Virgin become vacant as for the pure heart daughter, Aki of only four times, and man experience is easy to get wet with in talented women called Nan and the ○ size Nama of deviation value 66 too much in a half year. There is no rubber not to mention the insertion of the Jinsei fifth (laugh). Fully hung the semen which became corrupt of the uncle in the face which was Pure of the So. In addition, to Azusa with full of micro-depochatoiu Moe elements of the Kawagoe live too, and watch it with stylish Beautiful Girl Aina, and meet it; a perfect score!