Yuji Todoroki of Kazumi Kobayashi (kayu), Sueko Shimada (Godzilla), chiimama of this snack, Reiko Otsuka (Rena co) and the lover of the co-dilah gathered in the certain snack. Had a meal today in the counter seat. kayu went together as a lover in the days of a high school student once, and three people were waiting the homecoming for the first time in two years of Hiroshi Fukaya whom they were going to give Virgin to. kayu was true Virgin without a relation with the other man since first experience failure with Hiroshi now. Hiroshi appeared with one woman before long. kayu covered the Scarf of the present which I prepared for later. Takayuki Hosoi of the boss called out to you to kayu which worked part-time in next day, a supermarket. The Scarf which kayu prepared did not mind the thing which I declined of kayu either, and Hosoi went out by Studios, and raised it. But, thereafter kayu wound up Scarf of the So with oneself on that day. When Scarf was relieved not a present of somebody, Hosoi to see such a figure spills it. kayu has not yet noticed thought of Hosoi. Special Offer: Special Feature of the 100th anniversary of the Nikkatsuromamporuno