A charge mermaid, the Aoi Nami defeated haipagaruku, and succeeded in escape. However, as for the escape with the body which weakened, be caught up with an enemy immediately, and the fight with gajuma army corps is developed again. The rest of the Nami which returned to the base is transient, and a mystery rescue signal is drawn to anything during the chase, and go into the building after a long absence. Therefore the thing which Nami saw was an arrested charge mermaid. Were Nami to be surprised at, but take in the Koto which is not an enemy, and take off the Tied Up of the mermaid. Space monster man birugesu of gajuma which appeared there. birugesu says to Nami. When it is your clone. The Nami transforms itself into a clonal mermaid attacking suddenly out of necessity. The fight of mermaid vs. the mermaid is developed. The mermaid who cannot show power as expected to fight with oneself. Match a wavelength with Nan though be pinned down and be tormented, and succeed in control. Match power, and two mermaids defeat birugesu….