GOMK-096 GOMK-96 GOMK096 GOMK96 H_173GOMK00096 H_173GOMK96 |
A temporary older brother on the earth was held hostage in space crime witch Cami reply, and the Bijin space investigator and potter's wheels fell into a crisis of the absolute end of life. Planned a plan to let the Cami reply got the place of the space prison, and and potter's wheels escape from arrested brutal criminals. Let I escalated, and space insect be parasitic on vagina of and potter's wheels, and the Camiless hard Torture tormented you, but and potter's wheels rescued an older brother when the body of and potter's wheels did a science flash of light, and Cami reply was daunted, and escaped from a crisis. One night passed, and Oman co-ha of Miki Saotome, also known as and potter's wheels was intense, and masturbated between an ache, the unconsciousness that lay down, but gnocchi re-to penes grew. The Miki awakened to in a wet dream to experience for the first time watches the grotesque penes which one's Oman cokara grew, and be at a loss. Arrest Cami reply, and must find the serum of the space insect to lose these penes. The and potter's wheels began the investigation and a fight again to regain one's beautiful body and peace of the space. But the penes between the crotch of and potter's wheels interfered for the skill that was Karen of and potter's wheels too…And did not know that penes became the vital part either…And potter's wheels were kicked between crotches, and fainted in agony, and were defeated. And Cami reply and the Torture & Rape of the space beast began. The mind of the and potter's wheels which I am made to ejaculate forcibly over and over again is distracted and is violated to Oman co-mo space beast. Be made to feel the Ekusutashii of the woman and the ejaculatory pleasure of the man many times, and the body and the mind of and potter's wheels collapse…[BAD END]