A protagonist wants the kiss to become sukebe to hand it…. 24-year-old Ayumi that this coverage partner is a certain university professor of Tokyo, and short hair is wonderful at all in the students of the university same as a man in his 50s. When such two people ask it about the opportunity when a lover was related to; when "cut it, kiss it without him saying to anything, and, in the case of the study of his seminar, two people are with Tako". He confessed it by the endearment called the kiss than words, and, as for his kiss, it has been in the Toriko of the kiss of the man of such an adult who could taste the always kind feeling of happiness that I enjoyed it, and was wrapped the palpitation in Tako again till then though the man who kept company was acquaintance after most confessed…. She talked in spite of being to, shyness joyfully. This is such 》 kiss circumstances that are very common among difference Adultery in the unilateral, aggressive 《 year where I resembled so that the young girl who it is admirable, and should be obedient covets lips of middle Toshio in Ubu hard, and a piece to pester yearns for the kiss sex.