Be right festivals of the body fluid! Hoshino Asami proud of distinguished popularity to between Maniac as a nasal mucus actress of the Kyuukyoku is an appearance in Vomit ska Slut Series. The Purejaagotou that this supervisor produced legendary cult AV "nuisance Amitabha" of the A. Miss Asami who continues taking out every body fluid from a body from the opening sweat Pre-Cum cleaning corner. Work of the Slave is handling of "impurity Pre-Cum" taken out ceaselessly. The nasal mucus which snow continues being able to fall from a nose not to mention Tsuba, a sputum. And the Nyou which it is made to swallow up without an end. Even if stomach of the Slave becomes full, Miss Asami does not care it. Vomit, Vomit, Vomit, feces. And be petal kaitenkaokifun of the shock! Be *moku in beauty of one feces Haisetsu.