The arrival at sweat Shuu Massage Parlor wetness which is covered with urine! The backside of Older Sister which did the composure that I wore arrival at Massage Parlor, and acted in sweatiness was severe new face bullying between girls. The smell that there is to the body which I am covered with urine and become the getting drenched, and is sticky. The Kyousei Golden Shower which is Furesshu torments kopokopo and the urine which I bubble, and collect over and over again. Merciful liquid gold from Ten! Three all-at-onceness Golden Shower! Name it, and be kingugidora Golden Shower! Give a whiff of a sole, and a warped face is unbearable…Rub a lot of pussy butter. A large quantity of urine which it is filled with the steam, and are fragrant. Juushii sa where shuwashuwa bubbles is unmissable. Sip the urine which hung down toward the bed properly! Drink, and is Choku fresh from a pussy? Hey, the new face which is foot licking! Bullying as I collapse from a knee…Taste of which urine is liked! ? It was severe new face bullying to have waited for arrival at Massage Parlor of a snow-white tight mini in the new face which I wore. The arrival at snow-white Massage Parlor is Ki bamiguchoguchoninaru by a large quantity of urine of the senior esthetician. Be kept taking Nyou by face, a head, and can the new face that it became the Katamari of the bad smell keep self?…Be Nan to be cruel?…Will know one new face on that day. Oh, this is cruel, or cruel shika is not right left. Cruel urine bullying…The Ten does not make a person on a person. However, the Ten made a large quantity of urine on me, and brought it.