For seven of the haze that seven was good at art of concealment and espionage of the water which was Female Ninja of the Class Hikari buff, fought for justice. The Koto which obtains the secret ancient documents that Class Tengu has this order. When seven succeeded in the Koto which invaded the hiding place of the Class Tengu as a town daughter, tossed about an enemy using proud art of concealment and espionage, and obtained ancient documents. However, of the duty to send ancient documents to the head two information that there is of "Maki of the Ten" and "the Maki of the ground" is told the ancient documents again in a storehouse. Seven that obtained only one ancient documents marches into the hiding place of the Class Tengu again. The Tengu group which permitted an enemy Shinnyuu once. Seven has been seized with the trap of the hiding place of an enhanced Tengu group carelessly. The head of the Class Tengu which shook appears to be angry, and seven will taste intense Torture hell. This order that the expectations that seem to be doubtful appear and disappear. Describing a painting in Ura as expected on earth…* [HAPPY END]